gross price

gross price
эк. валовая цена, цена брутто, брутто-цена
а) (начальная цена до вычета скидок и прибавления наценок)
б) (цена, включающая налоги, расходы на транспортировку, страхование и т. п.)
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цена брутто

Англо-русский экономический словарь.

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Смотреть что такое "gross price" в других словарях:

  • Gross Price —    ► See Dirty Price …   Financial and business terms

  • gross price — cost before any discount or markdown …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Gross margin — (also called gross profit margin or gross profit rate) is the difference between revenue and cost before accounting for certain other costs. Generally, it is calculated as the selling price of an item, less the cost of goods sold (production or… …   Wikipedia

  • Gross Rent Multiplier — is the ratio of the price of a real estate investment to its annual rental income before expenses such as property taxes, insurance, and even utilities for vacation rental properties. Other expenses could include the cost of hiring a property… …   Wikipedia

  • Gross income — is commonly defined as the amount of a company s or a person s income before all deductions or any taxpayer’s income, except that which is specifically excluded by the Internal Revenue Code, before taking deductions or taxes into account. For a… …   Wikipedia

  • Price Analysis — involves the breakdown of a price to a unit figure. Usually per square metre or square foot of accommodation or per hectare or even square metre of land. The price with suitable adjustment for various differences, is then applied to the valuation …   Wikipedia

  • Gross fixed capital formation — (GFCF) is a macroeconomic concept used in official national accounts since the 1930s. Concept and dataThe statistical aggregate of GFCF is a measure of the net new investment by enterprises in the domestic economy in fixed capital assets during… …   Wikipedia

  • Gross National Happiness — (GNH) is an attempt to define quality of life in more holistic and psychological terms than Gross National Product.The term was coined by Bhutan s King Jigme Singye Wangchuck in 1972 in response to criticism that his economy was growing poorly.… …   Wikipedia

  • Gross spread — refers to the fees that underwriters receive for arranging and underwriting an offering of debt or equity securities. The gross spread for an initial public offering (IPO) can be as high as 7% while the gross spread on a debt offering can be as… …   Wikipedia

  • gross profit mark-up — noun The gross profit expressed as a percentage of the cost price of goods • • • Main Entry: ↑gross …   Useful english dictionary

  • gross profit — noun count BUSINESS the difference between the price that someone sells goods for and what it costs to produce them …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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